Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Library not found: tibrvj

if you come across the below exception while connecting to Tibco RV then you could try follow below steps if that helps.

Caused by: TibrvException[error=901,message=Library not found: tibrvj]
at com.tibco.tibrv.Tibrv.loadLib(Tibrv.java:449)

This  happens because of Tibrv.open(Tibrv.IMPL_NATIVE); line in tibrvj java API code

 1. This means it could not find tibrvj.dll (and its dependent dlls from classpath setting)
 2. Not sure why such dependency when a standalone Java code wanted to establish a connection with Tibco RV for sending & receiving messages.
 3. If you have the Tibco RV installed on the same m/c, well then you can point to the bin directory of the installation and give that location in PATH variable
 4. if you don't have that installed and you wanted to connect to remote Tibco RV (running on different m/c) then you could copy the whole bin folder from the installation package & keep it on the local m/c where you are running the Java client code and configure the PATH setting.
 5.  Finally, if you want to connect to remote Tibco RV, you could try configuring the TibrvRvdTransport object with below parameter and mention the remote host where the daemon is running.

String service ="7500";
String network="";
String daemon="hostname:7500";
transport = new TibrvRvdTransport(service,network,daemon);